Testing Feature Flags with Meticulous

By default Meticulous will snapshot the network responses, local storage values, cookies and session storage values when a session is originally recorded, and stub out and replay those values when later replaying the session. This allows Meticulous to test across varied feature flag configurations.

And since different feature flag combinations activate different code paths, and Meticulous optimizes the test suite to cover all code paths, Meticulous will normally automatically include test cases for all relevant recorded feature flag combinations.

For example, say user 1 records a first user session, session A, and user 2 records a second user session, session B, and the value of the feature flag my_new_feature is false for user 1 and true for user 2, then when Meticulous replays session A it'll replay with my_new_feature disabled, and when Meticulous replays session B it'll replay with my_new_feature enabled. Meticulous will likely select both sessions into the test suite since they cover different code paths.

Improving Test Coverage with New Feature Flags

As mentioned above Meticulous will automatically test feature flag combinations if sessions are recorded with the different feature flags enabled. However any sessions recorded prior to the feature flag being introduced will likely not test the new feature since they'll replay old saved network responses and local storage values without an entry for the new feature flag. This means test coverage of new features gated behind feature flags can be limited until new sessions are recorded with that feature flag enabled.

You can fix this by enabling the feature flags by default when running as part of a Meticulous test in the case that the feature flag cannot be found in the network response or local storage (i.e. when Meticulous is replaying old network responses or local storage values from before the feature flag was introduced). We've included instructions for Statsig below, but a similar approach can be applied for any feature flagging framework. We recommend making this change if you often develop new features gated behind feature flags.

Configuring Meticulous with Statsig

Before checking a feature flag value first check window.Meticulous?.isRunningAsTest, and if so then check if configuration for the feature flag is missing entirely - if it is then default the feature flag to enabled. This then allows Meticulous to use old sessions to test new features. Here's an example for Statsig, however similar approaches can be followed for other feature flagging frameworks, and for Statsig's React integration:

import { StatsigClient } from '@statsig/js-client';

const myStatsigClient = new StatsigClient(
  { userID: 'a-user' },
await myStatsigClient.initializeAsync();

// We wrap checkGate, and use the wrapped version in our code instead of directly calling myStatsigClient.checkGate
const checkGate = (gateName: string) => {
  // If the application is running as part of a Meticulous test, and Meticulous is replaying old network responses or local storage values
  // from before the feature gate was introduced then let's default the feature to on, so that Meticulous can use old user sessions to test
  // new features.
  // See https://docs.statsig.com/sdk/debugging
  if (window.Meticulous?.isRunningAsTest
      && myStatsigClient.getFeatureGate(gateName).details.reason.endsWith("Unrecognized")) {
    return true;
  return myStatsigClient.checkGate(gateName);

Configuring Meticulous with LaunchDarkly

When accessing a variation default it to true if window.Meticulous?.isRunningAsTest is true.


client.variation('my_new_feature', false);


client.variation('my_new_feature', window.Meticulous?.isRunningAsTest ?? false);

We recommend wrapping your client to make this the automatic behavior rather than updating every call site.